Personal Website

Friday, November 18, 2016

How To Add A FAVICON to your WEBSITE, BLOG OR WORDPRESS! Simple and quick!

Hi everyone, in this post we'll learn about, what's a Favicon? and How to Add and Create a Favicon to your Website, Blog or Wordpress!


What is a Favicon?

A favicon is the little icon that browsers display next to a page's title on a browser tab, or in the address bar next to its URL. It also is used when you bookmark a page

For Example:

Second and Most Important:

How to Add and create a Favicon?
  1. Create a 16x16 image. If you want transparency, use the PNG or GIF format.
  2. Convert your image to .ico format using a free service such as
  3. After generating a favicon with this tool download and save to the root directory of your site. Then include the following code in the head of your HTML document.
  4. And Finally you did it!! =)

For more tutorial please visit 
If you enjoy it let me a comment!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Westfalia is a hand painted brush sans from Pixel Surplus.  This font provides an authentic hand drawn feel with its messy edges and varied line thickness.  Great for any design work related to the outdoors and exploration.


For more tutorials please visit


Hi everyone is this post, I give you a perfect Christmas E-card to download, Customized and share with everyone you want. 

5 Simple Steps to have a Christmas Card.

1 -Enter and Download the free E-card here ---->
2 -Open the attach in Photoshop or Illustrator
3- Open or place your favorite image.
4- Save and Print !


To see more tutorials please visit:

Thursday, November 10, 2016

How to Create a Mood Board for your business (tutorial + explanation + examples)

Hi Everyone is this post we will learn about create a Mood Board for you business, so first of all we have to answer this question, what is a Mood Board?

Part of the design process is create a Mood Board. A Mood board is “an arrangement of images, materials, pieces of text, etc., intended to evoke or project a particular style or concept.” Which means that a mood board sums up how you want your brand to make people feel. A mood board consists of images, color, and text that you want to reflect your brand. Some people choose to physically create a mood board with images that they get from a magazine, or get textures from certain fabrics, etc. The other way of creating a mood board is digitally, which is the method I prefer. 

TIP: A good place look for inspiration is Pinterest.

for more info and tutorial please visit

Thanks you!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Add Watercolor texture in Adobe Illustrator! Very Easy! (full tutorial)

Hello, today we'll learn about Add a watercolor texture or another than you choose to a text in Adobe Illustrator. 

Just follow this simple steps.

First, get your gold texture. Then write your text out using the type tool. 
Place the watercolor texture in your file. Either do this by saving it on your desktop and go to file : place and then select your watercolor texture or you can simply drag it.
You must send your watercolor texture to the back of your text. You can do this by selecting your texture and right-click (or on a mac – click + command) > go to arrange > then send to back.
Now you must select both the text and the gold texture. Then right-click again, and choose make clipping mask. 

And Finally You got your watercolor Letters!

For more tutorials please visit

Monday, November 7, 2016

How to Add Gold Texture in Adobe Illustrator (full tutorial)

Hi Everybody, today we'll learn about Add a gold texture or another than you choose to a text in Adobe Illustrator. Just follow this simple steps.

First, get your gold texture. Then write your text out using the type tool. 

Place the gold texture in your file. Either do this by saving it on your desktop and go to file > place and then select your gold texture or you can simply drag it.

You must send your gold texture to the back of your text. You can do this by selecting your texture and right-click (or on a mac – click + command) > go to arrange > then send to back.
Now you must select both the text and the gold texture. Then right-click again, and choose make clipping mask. 

And Finally You got your Golden Letters!

For more tutorials please visit

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Most Popular Handwritten Font - Typographic! (( Link To Download FREE.))

Hi Everyone!
Everytime I see some awesome Font,  I always have the same question. Where can I download it?
Well here I give you a Free Brilliant  Handwritten Font to use in your personal website or do pretty things.

The name is Mighty Script.

I hope you enjoy it and for download this fond you can go to: 

Remember for more tutorial visit 

Friday, November 4, 2016

What is Exactly a Visual Identity? Create a New Brand. Logo - Colors - Typography (Tutorial)

Hi Everyone! In this Post we'll learn about  What is  Visual Identity? of a brand.

A Brand is How a business is perceived by an audience.

  • Words
  • Actions
  • Sounds
  • Visual

A visual identity of a brand contained:
 Logo + Color + Typefaces 

A Logo is a symbol or other design to identify a company.

Tip: It's good use colors for diversity but the Logo has to work in black and white.

How many Colors can use?

In this part, it's very important know your audience.

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Location

More colors= Very Much Audience
Fewer Colors= Low Audience

The use Of type

You have to choose in base of the signification of the brand.

for example: Thick = Intense dramatic or warm. Thin = Elegancy

In the Typography you have to choose. The Primary and the Secondary.

Tip: It's a plus realize a moodboard

For more tutorial please visit:

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Meaning Of Colors!(Full Tutorial)With Examples.

Hi Everyone in this case I give you a tips about The meaning of Colors.

"60 to 80 percent influence over a customer's purchasing decisions"

RED: Agresive


PURPLE: Royalty

Example: CADBURY

BLUE: Trustworthy

Example: FORD, BMW

GREEN: Wealth


YELLOW: Positive

Example: SHELL, DHL

TIP: The most Popular Color is Blue and the Less Popular is Green.

For more tutorials please visit


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Simple Steps to Create A Logo. (Tutorial)

Hi Everyone ! This is the part II about Create a Logo for your Brand.

Follow the Five Easy Steps!

1- First We have to Distilling ideas into Words.

With all the things about the company.

For example: "modernized","fun", "excellence", "lifestyle" etc...

2- Transforming Ideas into Images.

Sketch everything that come into your mind.

3- Refining sketches into refined logos.

4- Choosing Iconic Shapes.

5- For last defined your Colors. (For More Info, Read the tutorial the Meaning of colors)

Five simple steps to Begin to Create a Logotype.

For More tutorials visit

The Secret Of Design a Good LOGO. (TUTORIAL)

Hello World!
This is a Tutorial for all the people that want to know how make a good logo o need one, but doesn't know how is the right word to define it.

Types of Logos and Variations.

  • Mark or symbol
  • A example is the NIKE LOGO just a simple Symbol.
  • Type Based Logo (It's all about Typography)
  • A good example is COCA COLA
  • Monogram (this one is perfect for designers brands)
  • Everyone know about who has a  Louis Vuitton Bags 
  • Type+Symbol
  • A perfect example is FEDEX

  • TIP: When the Company change the Logo has to Change.

If you like this tutorial and want more visit

Hello World! Let me Introduce Myself!

Hi Everyone ! Let me tell you a little bit history about me and my company so, the first question that we have to do is…Who is behind D’AR DIGITAL DESIGN?
Hi! I am Romina. In brief, I grew up on Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am Currently Living in Auckland, New Zealand. I love travel and explore the world and their cultures. Travel is one of my passions, no more than The Art in all ways. I studied Art and communication at School and Law in University of Buenos Aires, gained my intermediate diploma, but i found it not so good for me. I Found my passion in learn Design like a hobby but now is my profession. Digital Design is the art of the new Era. I really enjoy making Happy the people who come to me with ideas, and see their emotion when the work is finished.